Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Whatever Works!

Its funny the things you do to get your kids to eat and sleep.

For the last little while, Wyatt has not been interested in food.
You've all prolly seen a Christmas story where the little brother
only eats dinner when showing his mom how the piggy eats.
Well, Wyatt has been pretending to be a dog lately.
He will crawl around on all fours and bark. Even lick our faces.
So the other night when he was being our dog instead of eating dinner,
I thought Id just try it!
I put his dinner on the floor with a bowl of water and said,
"here puppy, eat your dinner!"
amazingly enough......he ate it!!
now when he pretends to be a dog, he will eat off the floor!

Other funny news.
Wyatt has been sleeping under a laundry basket
for almost 3 weeks now.
even for nap time!
We have been having a hard time staying in bed to go to sleep.
So, I just put the basket over him when he was
going to sleep to make it more fun.
He loves it. He totally stays in bed under his
basket and goes to sleep ALL NIGHT.
He even gives us goodnight kisses through the little holes.
If he gets up to grab toys,
he will climb back into bed and put his basket over him.
The basket stays on all night!
It really is funny.
Now when we tuck him in for sleep, he always asks for it.

Miles is doing well too!
We have started feeding him baby food.
He will only open his mouth for bananas!! Nothing else!!
He is sitting up, and rolling over, and filling our house with his LOUD noises!
I Love It!!
My boys are sooooo much FUN!!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Happy Halloween
from the mad scientist
Dr. Frankenstein

and his Monster
{I'm kinda proud of myself because I made their costumes}

We went trick or treating with my sister Denise.
It was soooo much fun!!

last week our ward had a pumpkin carving contest!
We won first prize!!

This one is my big pumpkin, its 42 pounds!

and last but not least, our Halloween cake!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Saturday, September 17, 2011


Everyone knows my Dad is the Best!!
But, did you also know that he is a very talented sculptor??
Well, he is! He even has pieces at church sites and hospitals.
As requested, here is some of his work.
He has lots more, but this is all I got for now.
Feast your eyes on these.........

This is "Fading Glory."
The confederate solider.

One of my favorites!

This is Captain Moroni.
Also one of my favorites!

This is "The Edge of Action"
He is a secret service agent ready to pull his gun.
P.S. The phrase Edge of Action is used in the secret service because of my Dad!

This is Joy and me.
When we were tiny.

This is Joseph Smith, the best I have ever seen.
If you look close, my Dads badge is in
the bottom left corner of this picture.

This is the best Brigham I have ever seen.
He has sold lots of Brigham's and Josephs.

Lions are his favorite animal, I remember
him taking us to the zoo just to see them.

This is my Hippo. I bronzed it myself.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

My Miles

Miles is the perfect baby!
He smiles a lot.
He loves his baths, sitting up and playing with Wyatt!
Yup, I'm keeping him!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

My Cup Runneth Over

My Delicious Boys!
I Love it.....Love it.....Love it!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


So, Im pretty excited for this little boy to get here!
Im also pretty excited because I am going to be induced next week!
So, there is a good chance this is the first and last of my prego pictures....pretty exciting!

28ish weeks

30ish weeks

33ish weeks

36ish weeks

38ish weeks

weird picture. Its me leaning over to see my monkey toes!

side note
Ive been laughing about this all day......

For mothers day, I went to church all by myself because my boys were at home sick. It was the most unusual mothers day I have ever even heard of. Sisters got up and said things like

"My mom could of done a better job" or

"Mothers day hasn't ever been a happy day for me" or

"I wish my mom would of done things differently"

I was in shock!
So I was laughing with my mom about my somewhat "negative" Sunday.

I said: "of all the days, in front of tons of people, you say things like that about your mom, your suppose to say, I love you mom, thanks for all the sacrifices you made....."

mom: "oh honey, having kids is not a sacrifice"

me: "yes mom, it totally is. I know you made tons for me"

mom: "having kids is a blessing! what would you be doing if you didn't have kids?........
......wearing diamonds,.......traveling the world,..have a clean house...WHAT KIND OF LIFE IS THAT?!?!

my mom cracks me up!!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

extra..extra..read all about it!

This last week we celebrated our 3 year wedding anniversary!
It was fun, Bryn came home with a bunch of roses for me.
Wyatt loves to smell them.
We went on a date to Tucanos, It was really Yummy.
Bryn gained 5 pounds.
We even got a babysitter, and when we came home she said,
"Wow, he has a lot of energy, he never gets tired does he?"
Wyatt had lots of fun too.

I just love Bryn, He's the Best!

This is a picture of our 1st date ever!

I promised Joy I would take a picture of us before we went
out on our date and post it.
I did, except we didn't get a very good picture, so I decided
to post my roses instead.
Sorry Joy!

My Wyatt is Delicious, of course.
He is doing really well, he is even starting to like nursery.
Wyatt is going to love having a baby brother.
At the park there was a baby on a blanket.
Wyatt went over to him and started playing peek-a-boo.
The baby loved it, it was really cute!

I have also been taking this cake decorating class.
I really enjoyed it.
Last weekend I went over to Denise's to decorate some cakes.
We had so much fun, it was great!
These First 2 cakes are Denise's. She is really good at roses.
The last 2 cakes are mine.

Even better, they tasted amazing!